Category Archives: News

Plantars Fasciitis

Dealing with Foot Pain? It Could Be Plantar Fasciitis. Foot pain can significantly impact your daily life, and one possible cause is plantar fasciitis. This common condition occurs when the plantar fascia, a thick band of tissue supporting the arch of your foot, becomes inflamed or irritated. It often leads to heel pain, making activities [...]

Direct Access to Physical Therapy

Have you been experiencing pain or discomfort and wondered if you could see a physical therapist without a physician's referral? If you're in Alaska, you're in luck! Alaska is one of many states in the U.S. that has adopted "direct access" for physical therapy. But what exactly is direct access and how does it relate [...]

Resolution Tips for a Healthier 2018!

In the spirit of the New Year, we would like to share with you some healthy resolutions and tips to increase your health in 2018! Healthy Resolution Tips. Overall these 3 resolutions increase your health, reduce pain, and can help manage your weight for a healthier, longer life. Exercise More. Appropriate exercise is proven to […]

Snow Shoveling Tips – Be Safe

A few safe shoveling tips now that the snow is flying! Snow Shoveling: A common cause of soft tissue injuries & low back pain An average of 11,500 people are treated at emergency rooms for injuries and medical emergencies related to snow shoveling each year, according to a report released Jan. 17 by the Center [...]